  • 成立时间:2007-07-03 | 所属行业:养殖业(畜牧/特种) | 公司性质:外商独资
    员工人数:50-200人 | 所在地区:上海 - 徐汇区

Tractus Asia is a management consulting www.9ahr.comcompany focused on assisting foreign investors achieve success in Asia.

Tractus is Latin for progress. As a strategy and operations management consulting firm!! we help provide our clients with the means to achieve their business goals in the region.

Tractus delivers value to clients. We continually build our knowledge and expertise through direct experience. We work to develop the most cost-effective strategies for our clients to establish operations, to make acquisitions, to expand, or to diversify their manufacturing and service industry investments throughout Asia.

A team committed to success and growth!

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